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teri's blog

Of Aluminum Ladders and Two-Story Ceilings

Been struggling this summer keeping on track, fighting my desire to eat foods I love with my desire to be healthy. Up until this summer, as I was losing, I just avoided those foods. I got to a point this summer where I was tired of avoiding them and just wanted to eat them. I realized quickly that because I avoided them while losing I never really taught myself how to incorporate them into my new healthy life style. So I started overeating them again like I was afraid I was never going to have them again.

Biggest Loser Michigan Casting Call March 13, 2010

Thank you to my friend Laurie, for passing this info on! Although they won't take me anymore because I don't weigh enough (never thought those words would come out of my mouth!) I am posting this in case there are any others out there who may be interested. I am living proof that even just going to the casting call can change your life!


The Motivation, It' s All You

So I find out that Sean Algaier from Biggest Loser Season 7 (the one where the finale was this past Nov or Dec) was coming to our church to speak to the youth. If you that watched that season, then you know that Sean is a youth pastor and that he and his partner sacrificially asked to be sent home so that another contestant, Shea, could stay. That whole thing was heart wrenching, but an absolutely beautiful picture of laying down oneself for another. Anyway, I was hoping to be able to talk to one of our youth pastors to see if I could maybe meet him and possibly even talk to him for a minute.

You Aren't Stuck

As I was just responding to a Facebook comment, I realized I needed to post my response here. Basically in response to a comment about this website I said this: " I hope it will inspire those who are bound to food like I was to realize that they don't have to be, that they aren't stuck, and that there_ is_ something they can do." Because that is how I felt for years. Stuck. Bound. Unable to break free. I felt like I lived in a giant rubber band. As soon as I would gain some victory, I felt snapped back. I know I can't be the only one who struggles with obesity who has felt like that.

New Beginnings

So this is my first blog entry on my website. I waited until today to start the blog as a commemoration of my losing 100 lbs. I actually weighed in this morning bringing my total loss to 101. It's really weird because I remember last spring when I would hear of people losing so much I thought to myself I wish I could lose 100 lbs. Now my wishing is just I wish I had done it sooner. Not sure what the mind block was, but am glad it's gone. Not that its not still hard sometimes. Sometimes I think "I wish I could just sit and eat bag of potato chips", but that's all it is: wishing.

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